Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friends forever!

Graduation is fast approaching. In just a few weeks, we will be graduating already.

That fact made me sad. Sad because I won't be able to be with my chums everyday anymore.. I can't imagine myself without them but I need to accept it. Soon, I will be entering college. New trials, new probLems. But I can face it for I know they are always there for me..

Thank you to my teachers for sharing their knowlege with us. Thank you to my parents and God for guiding me. Thank you to my super friends. thanks for all the memories. I will never forget you guys! I hope our friendship remains despite having different courses. I will always treasure all the moments that we have shared.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Movie star...

Here comes another exercise- the movie maker. I've never done this in my entire life so I guess it will be hard for me to do it. I was not aware of it before.

I've learned how to make a movie with me as the "bida." I was like the main cast and the director of the movie that I made. I was able to put my favorite music as the background music too.

When the computer sticked was my only problem while doing the said activity. My interest in doing it was interrupted.

To solve this problem, I just waited patiently for the computer to be okay again and i also asked some help from my classmates for more informations.

Moving on, I will try to learn even more so that I can be an expert in making such activity. Besides, it's not only a requirement to make, it can also be a memorabilla, I believe.

Every Inch a Lady!

One of the highlights of high school life has passed- the JS Promenade. February 13, 2009- the day we've all been waiting for, it's our JS.

I felt excited and nervous at the same time. excited for here comes JS again, one of my most awaited events in my high school life. Nervous because I was not sure if there would be guys who would ask me for a dance. The night was vey roamntic and wonderful. Boys and girls were very attractive. It only showed that we really prepared for it. Luckily, there some I got to danced with.

Since it was our last JS Prom, we made sure that we would enjoy every single minute of the event. When the rock music was played, we danced as if there's no tomorrow. In this event, we got to socialize with other people.

Our JS Prom was fun although it was very "bitin." Sadly, I won't experience it again but surely, the memories I had will always be treasured in my heart.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Hate This Part! :c

Third Periodical is once again over.. We are now on the last grading period. Our third periodical test was hard. It was really difficult. Sadly, my scores were very low. What a shame! Well, that's the effect of not reviewing seriously. Honestly, I did review well. I was lazy so I guess the result was my "karma." How I wish I could turn back time and review so that I will not be disappointed in my scores. But its not gonna happen so I'll just try to be more industrious in reviewing. Besides, there's still the fourth periodical test to prove my worth.

I admit, I hate it when periodical test comes. But that part of my high school life. I have nothing to do with it. I just take it as a challenge in proving that I deserve to be in the first section of the regular class.


Friday, January 16, 2009

so happy together! :))

Times moves very fast. Christmas which we always long for has come to its end. But surely, those memories that we had will always be remembered.

My Christmas vacation was happy. I spent it with my family. On the 24th, we watched some games which was really enjoyable and at exactly 12am, we ate some delicious foods with my family and relatives. It was fun sharing some stories with your loved ones. After eating, we continued watching games and we did drink. We also lighted some firecrackers which I do believe ruined some houses because it as 4am then. I will never forget that moment. Then comes New Year. I thought New Year would be happier than Christmas but I was wrong. One store was burned. Though we were not effected, still we did panic. We did not continue eating, we just watched the fire instead. We went to beach in the morning with my family and relatives. It was really a fun experience. I was able to bond with my relatives which I rarely do.

I really love when Yuletide season comes.. It's one of my most loved vacations. the memories that I had during Christmas and New Year will always be remembered.


Another exercise is done again.. Well, its not that hard. I learned how to add images and I've learned how to link an exercise from another exercise which i did not know before..

I did not encounter many problems because I can say that it was one of the easiest exercises I've done.. But selecting beautiful pictures was hard..

I addressed the problem by selecting pictures which I really liked and I did it..

Moving on, I just need to be focus and interested to perform all our exercises well.

Friday, November 28, 2008


We've done another exercise which I did find easy.. I have learned how to put background. I was able to put my favorite color in my web page...

Since, it was not that very hard, the only problem that I encountered was typing the code incorrectly.

In order not to commit this problem anymore, I will be more careful in typing..

Moving on, I will be careful and I will concentrate more on what I am doing..